Google does the cleaning: Fight against fake news or censorship?- Rolling Stone

Since last week, several smartphone applications have disappeared from Google Play Store.This measure therefore makes their download impossible, and brings a blow to several dozen developers.

If it might seem normal to want to learn about the coronavirus, the net giant does not hear it by that ear and has relieved all the applications referring to the devastating virus ... or almost.Those from organisms like WHO or Red Cross are indeed always available on the Play Store.Google therefore not only decided to actively fight against fake news, but also to promote only official speech.

Mieux vaut prévenir ?

Why does such a measure-similar to that recently implemented by Twitter-would it be debated if it allows access to verified information?It is our colleagues from France Info who emphasize that several developers of useful applications and not being hailstorming have also seen their work deleted from the Android system.

Google fait le ménage : Lutte contre les fake news ou censure ? - Rolling Stone

Thus, it was only after having made Google's decision that Podcast Addict was able to make a return to the Play Store."We are still in the process of making some adjustments in our procedures for combating disinformation, but this application should not have been withdrawn," said the boss of the Android system.But he is not the only one to have been injured.

Many people therefore question Google's legitimacy to make such decisions."These boxes have become gigantic administrations which have a sovereign control, and which decide what is true and what is false," advances developer Médéric Degoy."In principle, it is not acceptable," adds a colleague, Tim Autin."It is also freedom of expression that is involved in this case.»»

Google has not yet expressed itself on this subject.