Joe Biden seeks to inform the quad, alliance with India, Japan and Australia informally

After the announcement of a spectacular military alliance in the Indo-Pacific Zone, the American president, Joe Biden, continued to advance his pawns in the region but in a more "informal" format, receiving the Prime Ministers on Friday, September 24,from India, Japan and Australia.

The American president, in search of alliances against China, wants to wake up this diplomatic format, known as "Quad" (for "quadrilateral security dialogue").After a virtual summit in March, he gathered it again, for the first time in person and at such a high level.

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From the White House, the Australian and Japanese ministers, Scott Morrison and Yoshihide Suga, praised this meeting which, according to them, aims to promote "a free and open Indo-Pacific region", the formula devoted to criticize, without naming it, Chinaand its ambitions in the area.

Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, insisted on the "shared democratic values" of the four partners.

"We are four first -rate democracies, with a long history of cooperation, we know how to get things done," said their host Joe Biden.

The quad in a consensual light

Sketched after the devastating tsunami of 2004 and formalized in 2007, the "quadrilateral security dialogue" has long been sleepy.By reviving him, Joe Biden somehow continues the "pivot towards Asia" of American foreign policy, already expensive to Barack Obama.

Joe Biden cherche à raviver de manière informelle le Quad, l’alliance avec l’Inde, le Japon et l’Australie

But after the spectacular announcement of the military partnership "Aukus" with the United Kingdom and Australia-and its submarine contract which has enraged France-Washington wants to present the quad in a consensual light.

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It is an "informal" and "intimate" cenacle intended to "develop better communication channels", said senior White House officials during an interview with journalists.There is no "military" aim, they hammered, assuring that the quad would be "complementary" other regional initiatives, in response to a question on its articulation with ASEAN.Some members of this organization bringing together ten nations of Southeast Asia fear, in fact, that the American offensive in the region leads to climbing with China.

Scott Morrison assured before the press that the members of the quad were ready to face "any pressure that would touch one of us", and to add: "We want all the countries of Indo-Pacifichave this opportunity "because they" attach importance to their sovereignty.»»

Many projects covered

Friday, the Quad spoke of economic, environmental sites and the fight against the pandemic.The four partners want to launch an initiative to protect supplies of semiconductors, these essential electronic components both for washing machines and planes or smartphones, and many industrialists around the world are struggling to get.

They also intended to speak, in bulk, 5G, cybersecurity, university exchanges, projects in space, fishing, vaccines ...

"For Washington, the challenge is to go beyond the only security paradigm and to clearly improve the economic position of America in Southeast Asia," said Jonathan Stromseth, specialist in the region, in a note published by the InstituteBrookings reflection.

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Joe Biden, if he kept a hard line in front of China, more or less comparable to that of Donald Trump, addresses the confrontation with Beijing differently.He wants to go beyond the only face-to-face between the two superpowers and hopes to awaken the game of alliances.

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