Post of Moïse Musangana: Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, what score 3 years later?

President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo totals this January 24, 2022 three years in power since his swearing in on January 24, 2019 before the Constitutional Court for his office at the end of the elections of December 30, 2018. He thus begins on January 25His fourth year in power in this pivotal year compared to 2023 to mark the end of his five-year term (2019-2023) with the organization of the general elections, including the presidential election.Already, he is launched in the race for 2023 with his solemn announcements first made in Goma where he stayed in July 2021 to sympathize with the victims of the volcanic eruption of Nyrangongo and assess the state of siege in the east, then at the end of December in Mbuji-Mayi during his visit to the Kasai space.

Against the backdrop of the Chaotic Coalition FCC-Cach (2019-2021), terrorism in the east of the country and the COVVI-19 which has tested the national economy, the results of the first three years in power of the president Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo is controversial. If some believe that he failed miserably in view of the projects "100 days and tshilejelu" which did not produce expected results, others, on the other hand, think that the only physical look, focused on the material in terms Infrastructures that have been lacking in the Republic for more than 60 years of independence is not enough. The results are also moral and ethical in that it consists, in particular, to arouse patriotism, to forge spirits to development, to create national cohesion and unity, to clean up the management of public finances, to lead the fight against the diversions of public denarii and corruption in order to bail out the state funds, open the country to the world to reintegrate it in the concert of nations, win the east war by triumphing from the centrifugal forces which has been desolation there for more two decades and expose the country to Balkanization. In short, restore and restore the state in the corners and corners of the DRC. The modern democratic government being inevitably linked to the State, it goes without saying that "without a State, there can be no citizenship, nor either democracy".

A severe judgment

With the controversy that has enamelled the advent of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo both inside and outside, seasoned with the Eastern War where ADF, FDLR and many other armed groupsLocal competed with ardor in the assassination of Congolese peace, the most cynically massacred in the world, either by slaughter, or by mutilation or simply by firearms, the horizons seemed to be blocked for the new tenant of the city of theAfrican Union (AU).In a language curling the Irony on television 50, the former First Lady Olive Lembe di Sita Kabila even dared to ask, the pinches of the people, to the people not to complain about the situation that was their own and to bepatient.And to add: "We thought it was easy".

In short, there was no chance to the new President of the Republic.One year would be a grace, had prophesied the pessimists.This would have even pushed some of his close collaborators to fill up, from the start of the game, full of pockets to ward off any eventuality, thus sacrificing projects useful for the populations.But against all odds, the Pantin, the President Postiche, the placebo has crossed three years of power, including two in chaotic coalition with the FCC, decided to sink it to use the lost reins of power.He is in his fourth year of power, charming, in one way or another, the community both national and international.He also tamed the main political and social forces that were hostile to him.

In precarious balance, vilified, even humiliated, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo was tenacious.He was waiting for his spring.He showed a conciliatory nature and wanted to be patient.He distinguished himself by his strong quotient of adversity, that is to say, the capacity, according to the Moroccan professor Rachid Boutti, to go through a difficult period in life and to get out of it without losing his head.It is a quotient that determines that will abandon in the face of the vagaries/troubles, which will abandon the family, which envisages suicide, etc.

The severe judgment registered on the part, mainly, of the population towards President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, by Devers indirectly to his father, champion all categories of the struggle for the advent of a democratic state and lawIn the DRC, is justified on another plane.Indeed, the new master of Mount Ngaliema comes from the opposition and not just any.He came out of a party that fought for 37 years to conquer power.With its advent in power, the opportunity was given to him to recondate the Republic and to establish a rule of law, concerned with the well-being of the population.The UDPS has always placed the interest of the Congolese people and the promotion of the social as the objective of all its struggle.

Having become a leitmotif, this priority was constantly trusted and summarized by its leader Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, through a pair: "The people first". It was an honest man who had rejected all the offers made to him by the Mobutu regime with all the privileges that followed, agreeing to make the opposition and endure heavy sacrifices in the final goal of making this ideal. And the new President of the Republic is the son of this leader, easy to understand that he was initiated for years into practical exercises by his father who was both for him a biological, ideological and spiritual father. Such references could only reassure as to the changes that the population demanded. The time had happened to do the policy differently, to apply new methods or a new mode of state management by moving away from the tares or errors made in the past.

However, in his accession to power, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo did not have any control levers that can help him to master state management and print his vision in order to make these changes.In the absence of a parliamentary majority, mainly, within the National Assembly, the latter being owned by the FCC, a platform of the outgoing President of the Republic, the new head of state was obliged to govern in coalition with thispolitical force led by its predecessor.Thus, the FCC-Cach Coalition was born.

In other words, with the peaceful alternation of power, after January 24, 2019 was no less equal to the front.Former Congolese Prime Minister, Bernardin Mungul Diaka would say: "The driver had changed, but the vehicle remained the same".Certainly, Joseph Kabila had physically left power, but in reality, he remained in place.His shadow still hovered over defense, security and justice services.His stranglehold on several other sectors of national life was certain.In addition to his various relationships woven around the world, he was fortified in this by comfortable majorities obtained by his political family, the FCC, both nationally, in the National Assembly and in the Senate, and on the provincial level,Through provincial assemblies.No doubt, the system implemented during the 18 years of its uninvable reign was almost reproduced.

First of all, the dismantling of the Kabila system

Tribune de Moïse Musangana : Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, quel bilan 3 ans après ?

After two years of power exercise, the FFC-Cach Coalition has shown its limits.The vision of the new president has come into contradiction with the method of managing his predecessor.The meetings and negotiations carried out between these two platforms in coalition to find the necessary convergence that can allow you to walk together to rebuild the State have proved to be in vain.

What to do with this situation, soil of an almost reproduced iniquitous political system which has planted the decor for its perpetuation? Faced with such a quadrature of the circle, the last option for the new President of the Republic, it was to empower yourself in relation to his partner by defeating himself from the political shackles limiting his field of action. So, shatter the coalition. This would allow him to turn in his favor the parliamentary majority in order to pass essential and useful reforms that the situation of the country he wants to put on the orbit of development in order to promote the full well-being of its population of its population . Reforms against which the FCC, notes journalist Arthur Malumalu, was a standing wind because it inevitably harming his immediate interests and annoying his disproportionate ambitions. On the other hand, the Head of State also intended to anticipate the 2023 elections to which he was likely to present himself without assessment. This is what he called "system tall".

It was a bet, after all, risky for President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo. He was, of course, between the hammer constituted by Joseph Kabila and the anvil composed of Martin Fayulu, the Katumbi-Bemba duo and many other social forces such as the Catholic Church. But, he already had, at the conference held on April 04, 2019 at the International Relations Council in Washington, announced the colors in these words: "I say it without fear. I am here to unclog the dictatorial system that was in place ”. On January 19, 2020, he repeated it to the Congolese community in London noting that "if there is a permanent crisis between the government and the National Assembly, it would dissolve the latter and would use its red pen to sanction anyone across its way ”. And Arthur Malumalu to emphasize: "Some laughed at him, others, for fear of Joseph Kabila, did not see how his successor, whom they treated with all names, would do it to get rid of this system criminal who spread out his tentacles on the institutions and put, with impunity, the grapple in the juicest sectors ”. However, it’s a successful bet.

The two years of chaotic coalition with the FCC were also chaotic for the country.No doubt reason, for which President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, without majority in Parliament, without effective government control of which some ministers have turned him into a watery, tried a parallel government by which he wanted to carry out certain projects that beatThe wing.The results were not up to expectations.The Sacred Union of the Nation helping, it is tempted to return to the Juron of the Republic by empowering the Sama Lukonde government for the start of the development program at the base from 145 territories.

Chaos, which characterized the FCC-CACH coalition, was not negative on the entire line for President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo. It allowed her to apprehend the Kabila system to assemble an estocade. Indeed, playing the reed which folds without breaking under the gusts and walking on the eggs without crushing them in order to bypass his opponents unlike his father who attacked from the front, he ended up realizing that the Kabila system rested on two main pillars, namely: the army, the security services and the justice. Hence the ordinances of July 17, 2020 upgrading in the army and the magistracy which were read for more than 5 hours on the antennas of national radiation. The controversial resignation of the president of the Constitutional Court Benoît Lwamba Bindu, who has just bowed out, will have been a catalyst to shelter the judicial system sheltered from the grip of the former President of the Republic who was Broken teeth through the rear guard waged by Me Tunda Ya Kasende, then Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice.

The two main pillars of the system being broken, the rest fell like a card castle.The protective institutional belt of the former President of the Republic has thus disintegrated with the descent into the hell of Jeanine Mabunda, the forfeiture of Sylvestre Ilunga Ilnkamba and the ejection of Alexis Thambwe Mwamba. To get there, it was necessary, strategic intelligence and method.Everything was sequenced: draw in the majority FCC and compose with other political forces, in this case Moïse Katumbi, MLC by Jean Pierre Bemba and AFDC-A of Modeste Bahati Lukwebo.

This feat is to be entered in the results of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.The political configuration of the past did not argue any glimmer of hope.

The Political Policy of Diplomatic Opening

Immediately in power, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo has spared no effort to put the country back into the juron of world diplomacy and to restore the tarnished image for chandeliers from Congolese diplomacy.He had thus become a traveler pigeon, traveling through the world from work.Which earned him and still earned him harsh criticism.However, as president of the African Union, President Paul Kagame, not to mention the trips for the Rwandan president, totaled thirty.

Despite the diatribes, the results are there.They are tangible: Washington, Moscow, Paris, London, Brussels, Vatican ... opened their doors to him.A sign of a rapprochement with Kinshasa, despite the lively lives as to his advent to power.

After having reconnected with the major capitals of the world and printed another dynamic within international institutions, it has endeavored, even if they drag the steps, to obtain from neighboring countries, mainly Rwanda and Uganda, not only an active participation in the treatment of the crisis, but also a convergence of views and policies to be conducted in a coordinated manner for the purposes of effective results.It is in this context that you should locate your trips to Kigali, Kampala, Dar es Salaam, Luanda, or even elsewhere.And as many other meetings that took place between Congolese officials in the Defense and Security field and their counterparts from neighboring countries.

His accession to the presidency of the AU has, in one way or another, consolidated its assets and opened even more cooperation opportunities, in particular, military to end insecurity in the eastfrom the country.It allowed Congolese diplomacy to earn more stripes.So she turned out to be a soil necessary for African integration;Integration that takes into account bets to be noted both political, economically and that of the pacification of the continent.

With the Congolese AU presidency, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo brought the voice of Africa at the international level, especially in the context of the COVVI-19, to claim for the benefit of the continent the best conditions for the fight against the pandemic and relaunch national economies. To this end, at the Paris Summit on the financing of African economies in May 2021, he pleaded for more financial means in favor of Africa and for the continuation and strengthening of the mechanisms put in place to relieve African countries Fallen into situations of over -indebtedness because of the effects of the pandemic. At the top of the G20 in Rome, he, on behalf of Africa, called on the participating countries to make their commitments in favor of the preservation of the forests of the Congo Basin, through substantial funding. He made the DRC "country solution" in relation to global warming. In the health field, he supported the campaign in favor of the operationalization of the African Medicines Agency and, as part of the fight against the Pandemic of COVID-19, he brought Africa's legitimate ambition to produce vaccines on the continent.

Infatigable et déterminé à porter toujours haut le drapeau de son pays, le président Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo a donné son accord de principe pour succéder au président Denis Sassou Nguesso à la présidence tournante de la CEEAC (Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale) en 2022. La passation des pouvoirs a eu lieu à l’occasion de la 20ème session ordinaire des chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement de cette organisation qui s’est tenue à Brazzaville le 19 janvier 2022. Au cours de cette même année, il va prendre la présidence de la SADC après avoir été élu vice-président par ses pairs lors du 41ème Sommet tenu le 17 août 2021 à Lilongwe, au Malawi. Sur le volet intégration régionale, il a affirmé l’ambition de la RDC de redorer sa position géostratégique en adhérant à l’EAC (Communauté des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Est). Cet acte de haute portée diplomatique et économique place désormais le pays à cheval entre l’EAC, la CEEAC (Communauté Economique des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale), la CIRGL et la SADC.

International financial institutions also appeared at the Congolese president’s agenda.On this subject, he met the leaders of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank and the BAD (African Development Bank) to consider with them the possibility of untying the cords of their scholarships in order to benefit theDRC of the financial resources it needs to relaunch its economy and finance other activities useful for the well-being of Congolese.There is no need to remember that the DRC has just reconnected with the IMF after the suspension of cooperation with this Breton Wood institution in 2012. The country is currently eligible.

At the same time, international cooperation has also experienced significant advances with the various partners.This is evidenced by several projects, agreements and understanding of understanding that the DRC concluded.For the 2021 exercise alone, it benefited from its multilateral external partners, commitments of around 4.5 billion USD.This is a record level in the recent history of our country.

An economy undermined by the COVID-19 and the war in the east

In addition to the political shackles due to the FCC-Cach Coalition, the national economy was undermined by the formidable COVID-19 and the War to the East which ultimately required the establishment of the siege in theProvinces of North Kivu and Ituri.So good governance still has a long way to go because of bad habits still has hard skin in the country because of laxity which seems to characterize the administration of justice.In such a context, the few efforts made, following, in particular, at the financial patrol of the IGF, are phagocytized and do not participate in social progress and the revitalization of the economy devastated by zaïrianization and the looting of sad memory, then completed by the incur of the ruling class.

Indeed, the national economy presented in early 2020 vulnerabilities: slowdown in growth, decrease in surpluses of the balance of payments, budget deficit caused by security (armed conflicts), sanitary conflicts (Ebola epidemic in the east), care of disasters (invasion of locusts, etc.).Economic indicators in the first quarter thus turned more and more red.

This bad pass has had certain repercussions.Arrested at USD 11 billion for the 2020 financial year, the state budget was affected and the government has set out to rectify the finance law against a budget collective which reduced it by half.

In the meantime, the COVVI-19 pandemic came to complexify the equation.It has put the already fragile economy to the test, aggravating, therefore, the vulnerabilities observed since the beginning of 2020. On the other hand, the measures taken by the government to alleviate the negative effects of this virus onThe national economy, so as to avoid social offspring and preserve economic activity, have only done the state's resources, moreover, precarious.

Africa, including the DRC, was faced, even if a certain recovery was recorded in 2021, at the storm with the fall in prices of most of its main basic products and that of the resulting demandof a production stopping in the world.This with corollaries the contraction of domestic demand and the collapse of the informal sector, whose activities constitute on average 90 % of real economies in Africa. Also, courageous decisions taken by African leaders to combat intra -community contamination are alsoThe basis of the slowdown in the informal sector.They amplified unemployment and poverty.Which makes teeth cringe to the Congolese population.

This context marks phase II of the Tshisekedi regime, forced to turn, under the Sama Lukonde government, towards the quest for solutions to the basic needs of the Congolese.From now on, the President of the Republic has all the levers to engage the country on the path of success.In the meantime, the East War is far from ending.Despite the establishment of the state of siege in North Kivu and Ituri, one cannot come in a jiffy at the end of an instability which has lasted for more than 20 years and at the base of'A war economy that has settled and has negatively impacted the experience of populations.Not without counting with the mafia which even won the ranks of the army, moreover infiltrated, and betrayed by the complicity both within it and within the population.This led to the pooling of forces with Kampala and the revitalization of UN forces to triumph over the forces of evil.

Naturally, the Government's flagship project that is free of fundamental education can only be affected.It is therefore imperative to end the Eastern War which is harmful for local populations, as well as for the Republic.

A holistic look at the balance sheet

The first three years of power of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo are a obstacle course.With the deinpecting of the FCC, nothing will be able to stop it in its royal march towards the refoundation of the State, focused on a new conception of governance based on positive results in the best interests of the nation.Hailed with his designation at the head of the AU from which he was able to take advantage of his program, the Congolese head of state now has frank cubits.He can unroll his action plan and materialize it.

With the new implementation at the BCC, public finances will have to increase and be well kept for balanced, even excess budgets.Their good management is an asset to respond to the aspirations of the populations.

This Titan's work shot dead by the President of the Republic during the first three years of his mandate is a grandiose and exhilarating work in favor of the refoundation of the State.The balance sheet in the management of a state is not only material in the sense of creating infrastructures such as roads, schools, hospitals ... which are very lacking in the Republic.On this subject, it is important to take a holistic look in order to grasp all the contours, so as to issue an opinion with more rationality and objectivity.

The results are also moral and ethical in that it consists, in particular, to arouse patriotism, to forge spirits to development, to create national cohesion and unity, to clean up public finances management, and to lead the fight against diversionsPublic funds and corruption in order to replenish the state funds as the fact, in particular, the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF).

It is found that this intangible side has been significantly lacking for long years to the Republic.What embezzlement of public funds!Reading the various IGF reports, it is observed that the country was bled at the four veins.The revelations of the PCA of the Gecamines Albert Yuma Mulimbi on the dismantling of this public enterprise, formerly providing 70 % of revenues to the state budget, are traumatic.They reveal the white bleeding of the resources of the Republic under the Joseph Kabila regime, or even before.

Under these conditions, it was utopian for the government, devoid of particularly financial means of its policy, to achieve the major objectives included in its action program with regard to the material balance sheet.Aware of this obstacle, President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo thus set out to work on the tumbled system that embodied all these ailments, namely the "Kabila system".He got there.This is a whole other assessment.

With this displayed desire to refound the State beforehand, the hopes should be placed in the son of Etienne Tshisekedi.With President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, another Congo can see the light of day by a governance that places Congolese and Congolese at the center of all the concerns of the State, making them benefit in the foreground of their wealth to finally hatch asocial well-being for all.There, "the people first" will have put on all their meaning.

Although the President of the Republic overflows with energy to get the DRC out of the chasm in which his daughters and sons have precipitated her since his accession to independence, his regime has some weak links.This does not allow the readability of its action.

The casting within his cabinet allowed the emergence of people who, perhaps unconsciously, think they are their own service rather than that of the Head of State whose actions they must support for the materialization of his vision.Hence the need to clean the Augias stables in order to surround themselves with the collaborators with whom it must be in tune.People who don't ask for what Congo has to do for them, but rather what they have to do for him.

The press and communication services of the President of the Republic excels much more in passivity.They behave more like press organs, while their mission is to irrigate information to the media in order to bring to the attention of the public the actions of the Head of State, to treat and sell his brand image.Since Vital Kamerhe, these services have been fighting wing.Is there a deficit or conflict of skills, or simply confusion of genres in their functioning?

Justice is the Achilles tendon of President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo.It has been characterized for some time by laxity in making decisions.Which slows down all the good initiatives, leaves the people and makes the country for the top of the classification of the most corrupt countries.

In his speech on the state of the nation of December 13, 2021, the President of the Republic did not remain indifferent to the cries of distress and desolation of the Congolese and Congolese who, every day that passes, claim more guarantees ofA good and healthy administration of justice.He expressed his spite with regard to practices that do not allow justice to put on his new dress.That is to say, to be justice that does not only say the law, but also reassures that the law, then the good, has been said.The denunciation is not enough.The courageous reforms in the sector are also expected both structurally and qualitatively which concerns its animators according to the principle "the man that is necessary in the place that needs".

Finally, the presidential party, the UDPS, needs a makeover to be more competitive in 2023 and in the future.In power for 3 years, he still keeps the reflexes of an opposition party.The unnecessary crisis which currently prevails within it following the Jean-Marc Kabund affair is a nonsense.The UDPS is thus in battle disorder, while President Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo has already announced its colors for 2023.