The year was "complicated" for merchants

What is your balance sheet for this year 2021?

Mireille Rahmé-Bley, présidente de l'Union commerciale de la ville de Luxembourg: En 2020, les commerces ont pu rester ouverts jusqu'au 24 décembre ce qui a sauvé la période de Noël. Ils ont ensuite été fermés pendant trois semaines et ont rouvert pour les soldes. 2021 c'était quand même une année compliquée à cause du Covid, on pensait en avoir terminé mais ce n'est pas le cas. Il y a énormément de retards de livraisons, il y a des marchandises qui ne sont jamais arrivées, peu importe le domaine. Il y a des hausses de prix pas négligeables. Ceux des denrées alimentaires augmentent tous les jours.

However, do you notice a return from people to town?

Yes, people come back to town, because there is no place with so many things to offer.The diversity of shops, restaurants, cafes attracts people and then we are outdoors.The Christmas market also attracts people.

A shadow on the board, the anti-health manifestations ...

L'année fut «compliquée» pour les commerçants

We could have avoided demonstrations before Christmas.The bourgmestre had been made a request not to give authorizations to demonstrate in the middle of the day during the opening hours of the businesses.The elderly, families with children, I can quite understand that they are afraid of coming to town.We were half heard.They defended the demonstrators to go to the city center.A course was defined from the Philharmonie au Glacis.

Winter sales start on January 3.What are your expectations?

The sales are very important for merchants.Some told me that they did not receive their entire collection, the deliveries were complicated.A friend told me that he recently received a package that he should have had in July.So I think there will be enough to do for the sales.But in view of the pandemic, the traders were more careful for their purchases.If we want something, I hope they bought it above sales because, perhaps, that they will not find everything during the sales.

Is there a big need for cash after two years marked by the pandemic?

A merchant always needs cash.The sales allow you to generate money because you have to pay the new collection that will come in.The sales for merchants are very important.

Are the sales an anchored habit for residents?

Of course, they respond present.When I still had my children's clothing stores, I had people who came with the lists of what they needed.They were very well organized.And it was a special sales clientele, who wanted to take advantage of buying brands that may be outside the sales could not afford it.

(Collected by Marion Mellinger/The Essential)