November 2021

To listen

Tuesday, November 30 - Accessibility/Ecloccies - State Council seized.

Failing to have received a response from the State Secretariat for the Disabled, Visual Disabled Internet users continue the Government before the Council of State, announces the French Confederation for the Social Promotion of the Blind and Amblyopes (CFPSAA): “Last July Blind citizens tired of coming up against the inaccessibility of websites every day have seized the Secretary of State responsible for the disabled so that it makes the law apply, namely that it uses powers conferred to it to inform The organizations concerned by a lack of accessibility of their site, observe their reaction and consider, as the case may be, to pronounce an administrative sanction towards them. These users questioned commercial and public service websites. "In the absence of a reaction and when a two -month period has passed, the legal system allows you to go into court in the form of an excessive appeal before the Council of State. The complainants, for six of the referrals concerned, therefore made the decision to resort to this solution and the appeals have been effective since this week. They concern: Auchan, Fnac, LVMH, the Eiffel Tower, the Yvelines department, Zoo Plus [online sale of pets] ”, adds the CFPSAA which carries the appeals for these complainants. These prosecution constitutes a first on the part of organizations of visually impaired people usually more inclined to undergo and negotiate than to go to court, which translates their exasperation. If accessibility has been registered in the law for 16 years for public websites and 3 years for commercial sites, this legislation is not applicable for lack of development by state secretariats for disabled and digital 'Ministerial decree organizing the procedure of control and sanction provided.

Monday, November 29 - Our best enemy.

On a propaganda visit to the Sarthe to boast a reform of the management of technical aid which will not be implemented before the elections of next spring, the Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities, Sophie Cluzel, had to justify her opposition to the deconjugalization of the disabled adult allowance (AAH). Faced with a beneficiary whose service has gone from the rate full of € 903 to € 29 because her two children are no longer dependent and her husband earns 1,800 € in wages, she said: "This disabled adult allowance is a minimum social that has existed for over 30 years ”, which testifies to its ignorance of an existence income created over 46 years ago. And the minister supported her remarks with a big mistake about the PCH: "This is the disability compensation service that we have just increased the ceiling". What is false: if the decree of October 29 has changed it, is by lengthening the periods what is strictly amount to the same amounts in annual terms.

Monday, November 29 - The pearl of the week.

Amateurism, casualness, imprudence, questions are not lacking in the name of the name that today the political gathering of parties of the presidential majority today to constitute their "common house": together citizens!Because this appellation is that, word for the word of exclamation included, of an association created in December 2018 by Ligeriens Trisomics to "promote the dignity, respect and participation of disabled people;For us dignity, it is the respect that we deserve, respect for each other;This is to exist in society;The goal is to defend the car and the peer-statement. "The appropriation of their name by the presidential majority should pollute their action, unless macronist politicians follow their example ...

Monday, November 29 - Accessibility - The SNCF destroys accessibility.

Erected in 2006 "accessibility laboratory station", the Paris Montparnasse SNCF station has been completely renovated without the accessibility elements being maintained. The podotactile guide bands which provided easy and led to the elevators were not reinstalled on the new paved soil. The reception and assistance office for disabled travelers who were facing the quays and close to the elevator serving the forecourt was moved in the corridor leading to the taxis landing, very out of the way and with an inconvenient signage, we can only find it by addressing an employee. Its implantation forces disabled travelers to carry out more walking, and it is contrary to the regulations. If a podotactile guidance extends from the taxis landing to this office, it is not accompanied by sound terminals informing the visually impaired travelers of the services dedicated to them. "As usual, the access service more is placed in a place not found, to believe that we do not want to travel anymore," deplores Thierry Jammes, vice-president of the Federation of the Blind of France.

Saturday, November 27 - the initiatives of the week.

Friday, November 26 - the failures of compensation.

Friday, November 26 - Employment - failure of national engagement.

In 2022 there will only be 32,701 aids to the position allocated to adapted companies, notes the Senator Special Rapporteur of the Mission Work and Employment of the finance bill for 2022: “Aid in the position in adapted companies (EA) would amount for 2021 to 425 million euros, a stable level compared to the [initial finance law] 2021, with the aim of solventing 32,701 [equivalent time-pip]. These credits will not make it possible to double the number of employees in adapted companies as provided for in the national commitment signed on July 12, 2018 with the government by the National Union of Adapted Businesses, the APF France Handicap and the UNAPEI. The credits for 2022 will be significantly inferior to the "historical budgetary effort of the State" affirmed at the time: "the State will increase its budgetary effort as soon as next year, to reach, with the assistance of other funders, A budget of more than 500 million euros by 2022. ”In 2018, adapted companies collected 24,000 aid at the post, the 2022 credits ensuring an increase of a third of their number but not their doubling, even taking into account The contribution of 50 million euros from Agefiph. In 2020, 1% of disabled workers employed in these companies joined an ordinary environment, compared to 0.5% in 2021 according to forecasts. "The number of dismissals for economic reasons and conventional ruptures also increased in 2021," notes a note from the Ministry of the Budget; It includes in particular the financing of 150 aids in the post in penal establishments, the employment of prisoners by adapted companies being provided for in article 12 of the new reform of the justice adopted by the Parliament on November 19 and currently submitted to the Constitutional Council .

Thursday, November 25 - Sports - Paralympic premiums excluded from the AAH.

The deputies finally followed the senators by agreeing to delete the taking into account for the calculation of their services of the premiums paid by the State to the disabled medalists during the Paralympic Games. The Senate had indeed approved on November 17 an amendment to the amending finance bill for 2021 exempting these premiums from this year from the calculation of the disability compensation service, the disabled adult allowance (AAH) and the costs of stay in medico-social establishment. The government opposed it, but the senators went beyond, as well as the deputies yesterday. This abolition inflicts a disavowal on the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, who had repeatedly expressed and maintained her opposition to an unproportion (read the failures of November 19) although this does not concern in matters of AAH that 'A dozen athletes. Recall that the Paralympic premiums, in the amount of 65,000 to 15,000 € depending on the medal obtained, are taxable on income, the state thus recovering part of what it pays. The state could also save several years of AAH due to the amount of paralympic premiums, thus attenuating the effect of "national recognition" to the most deserving disabled. In addition, the AAH could increase by 1.4% on April 1 according to an estimate of the National Family Allowance Fund, or € 12.65 more to reach € 916.25.

Wednesday November 24 - Leisure/deafness - A Sign of Affection.

Yuki was born deaf and, if she carries hearing aids, he only make her hear noises, she reads on her lips and is expressed in Japanese sign language.Young student still subject to the curfew, she meets Itsuomi, tall and remarkable silver hair, thanks to an incident.Himself a student, a member of the University International Club, he travels as soon as his work in a cafe gives him enough money.From his first contact with Yuki, he treated her like a young woman without first seeing her deafness, which captivates her: adoration or emerging love?This is the starting point of a manga designed by Morishita Suu, being published in Japan and whose publication of the French version began, adding a new series to the thematic diversity of the manga genre for pre -adolescents.A Sign of Affection, by Morishita Suu, Akata editions, € 6.99 in bookstores.

Tuesday, November 23 - Health/Finance - Borrow without questionnaire?

The Senate adopted an amendment to the finance bill which creates an "inclusive borrower insurance contract" which would free up borrowers to complete a health questionnaire, rejoices the Renalo association which defends the people dialysis: "We thus claim As early as 2016 the right to insurance for all and we obtained that dialysis and transplants are part of the very first chronic pathologies concerned by “the right to be forgotten”. Since then, we are actively participating in the corresponding work, the results of which are to date very disappointing. So we believe it is time to go further. "It recalls the action it takes with other organizations" so that the law provides for the creation of new contracts without medical selection. The objective is to put an end to the current situation, where people considered to be "at aggravated health" are excluded from insurance, or pay it at unreasonable rates, to offer ever lower prices to people Young and bearer, but also to ensure very comfortable margins of the insurance sector. The amendment which creates an article 5 octies to the finance law was adopted against the government's opinion, which will endeavor to have it suppressed from the final text thanks to its majority in the National Assembly.

Monday, November 22-Health-COVID-19 and paralysis.

Cases of paralysis following contamination by the COVID-19 are reported in several countries, notes a scientific article published last April by American and Panamanian practitioners. They have listed and studied 43 cases of inflammation of the spinal cord (acute transverse myelitis) in 19 countries. Swiss health authorities have also noted nine cases of paralysis due to this coronavirus. For France, the Directorate General of Health does not have a census of such cases: "196 articles are identified in Pub Med [British directory of international medical articles], but this remains a rare pathology", specifies its door -Plaole. No investigation into the lasting or permanent consequences is in our country: "We are not aware of such fine surveillance at the national level", specifies the DGS. We do not know how many people are affected by a final or partially reversible paralysis. And concerning the recognition of sustainable delicacing consequences as a handicap giving the right to take charge and aid provided for by the legislation, it responds: "There is no specific COVvid long -lasting condition to date but patients may be Recognized as an ALD of ordinary law (outside the list). The victims of the COVVI-19 Coronavirus living with permanent disabling sequelae can only be recognized as disabled under these sequelae.

Saturday, November 20 - the initiatives of the week.

Friday, November 19 - the failures of compensation.

Thursday, November 18 - Infox of the week.

Novembre 2021

While the Prime Minister now announces in Chartres (Eure-et-Loir) the hiring of 25,000 disabled workers (1 minutes 57 of the video above) thanks to the bonus of € 4,000 created on September 1, 2020 in The framework of the recovery plan, a senatorial report finds that the related credits were only consumed at 16 million euros on October 1. This corresponds to 4,000 premiums paid, on a total payment capacity of 21,000 premiums on the basis of a job for indefinite duration. The same report by Senator Jean-François Husson notes that only 2.5 million euros in accompanied employment credits were consumed during the first nine months of this year out of the 15 million planned for 2021: “The device is Also the subject of sub-consumption in 2021, unless a strong rise in power at the end of the fiscal year ”. The rapporteur notes that this system has no direct link with the recovery plan and concerns almost all of “very specific audiences, in particular with mental or mental disorders (89 % of the persons concerned), with a view to lifting brakes Structurals to access and maintain employment, often without direct link with the economic impact of the health crisis. »»

Thursday, November 18 - Politics - An elected Lyonnaise slips.

During the Municipal Council of Lyon (Rhône), Françoise Blanc Opposition advisor head of the Les Républicains group was particularly distinguished. By concluding her intervention to criticize participation in the municipal accessibility committee, she concluded by wanting to make humor by reporting the presence of cycling associations (at 2:16 am from the video above): “The participation of two Associations, the city by bike and the bicycle house made me smile. I do not see too much relevance when the wheelchairs cannot have a suitable displacement, when the hearing impaired do not hear the signal of the transition to the tricolor lights, sound signal which commands which lack all crossings, when the blind n 'Have no travel help engraved in the ground. The promotion of the bicycle remains major whatever the situation and the degree of disability, I had not seized that we were going to be able to pedal a pied or a cul-de-jatte, truce of joke ". And laugh at his humor. The municipal elected official will have spread out her poor knowledge of accessibility (we move quite easily in Lyon, the sound fires are aimed at blind or visually impaired pedestrians, urban podo-tactile guidance is almost absent in France) and his ignorance The practice of cycling by many disabled people, whether standard or adapted. She also had to face the emotional response (at 3:09 am of the video) of the first deputy mayor, Audrey Hénocque who is quadriplegic, all in restraint but who underlined the validist nature of the intervention of Françoise Blanc: "These words have shocked me extremely. Everything you said Madame Blanc reveals oppression to people with disabilities, we call it validism […] words like cul-de-jatte to talk about a person who is amputated at the top of the thighs, c ' is as serious as using the term negro to talk about people of color […] at the end of your words, you used the term being, "these beings) as if there was a difference in nature between the people with disabilities and other people and it is really unacceptable for me ”. Audrey Hénocque's response was applauded standing by the municipal councilors.

Wednesday, November 17 - Women - one in two of sexual violence.

The Association Research and Study on Health, the City and Inequalities (Aresvi) broadcasts in preview of its publication the main lines of its studies on sexual violence suffered by disabled women in the New Aquitaine region who extends from Limousin and Charentes to the Spanish border, 12 departments and 6 million inhabitants. Acts of violence on disabled women would have increased by 20% in 2020 (compared to 7% for valid women). However, this study relates to 149 questionnaires, 38 "semi-structured interviews with professionals. The people concerned" and 24 collective interviews, for a total of 211 women concerned, aged 19 to 72. They declare "declare twice as much as others having undergone incestuous attacks during their childhood [...] have little confidence in institutions, and turn more towards dedicated associations [...] almost three quarters estimate the intervention of the forces of security unsatisfactory […] 40 % changed city following violence. "The most affected women are with mental and mental disabilities:" They know three times more economic violence than the others. 40 % of women with disabilities are economic and administrative violence (including deprivation of disabled allocation.). Among the 53 %of women who manage to talk about it, they are mainly aimed at the family (48 %) and a doctor (40 %) or a social worker (23 %) […] all people with disabilities Psychic interviewed relate refusals of complaint by the security, listening or care forces by loved ones and professionals, due to a certain "hysteria" highlighted […] 80 % of the professionals interviewed know At least one woman with disabilities victim of violence. Among these violence, half of the professionals reveal sex forced by a companion or a parent. Also by reporting that these women combine all types of violence, including a high rate of economic violence, their testimonies echo those of the people concerned. The investigation notes the "ambivalent role of caregivers" when the spouse or assimilated is also violent, which further complicates separation. The Aresvi study will be published on November 24.

Tuesday, November 16 - Employment - Effective lobbying.

The models made available by agencies and workers of so -called intermediate companies will no longer be recognized in the workforce taken into account to establish the employment obligation.The workforce retained will only relate to permanent employees and will be that of the year corresponding to the due contribution.These exemptions were introduced on the Catimini by the Minister of Public Accounts, Olivier Dussopt, during the penultimate examination of the finance bill for 2022 which must be adopted today by the National Assembly.

Tuesday, November 16 - Loisirs - Perfect World, the end!

Launched in the fall of 2016, the Manga Perfect World ends with the publication of the 12th and last volume. Itsuki and Tsugumi live and take advantage of their baby whose reader follows the first years. How did the young paraplegic architect, who chose to take care of Kôki, faces? How does her child identify his father among the other men who lead their child to the crèche? When will he have to explain to him that he has two mothers and dads? The author and designer Rie Aruga exhibits these concerns, and revives some protagonists, such as the Keigo cook whose disabled motor wife Kaede was swept away by his disabling disease: how does he mourn common projects? And will the young Haruto know love? To discover in Perfect World T12, by Rie Aruga, Akata editions, € 6.99 in bookstores. This volume is also published in a collector's version (€ 7.55) with another illustration of cover drawn for the French version, four color pages showing Itsuki, Tsugumi and Kôki in traditional clothes, some testimonies of French -speaking readers and a meeting between RIE ARUGA And Kazuo Abe, series consultant. Enough to alleviate the regrets to leave an endearing couple and their son, to which the author was able to instill a humanity almost of flesh and bones.

Monday, November 15 - Sports - Paris 2024 follow -up.

The Interministerial Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024 has taken stock of the measures carried out, being implemented or abandoned. Among them are noted that which aims to "improve the accessibility of Olympic works and sports equipment built or supervised by La Solioo", a company responsible for piloting construction sites, which leaves interrogative: everything would therefore not be planned by the strict Application of regulations and additional provisions would be necessary? Even more worrying, "the constitution of a mapping of the cultural offer accessible in all fields" and "the experimentation of specific measures for putting accessibility for [cultural] works for a rise in accessible offer" during cultural Olympiad; This suggests that the many existing adaptations are not currently identified by the Ministry of Culture. The ministers also decided to finance the tripling of the number of Parisian taxis accessible in 2024 to disabled customers to reach a thousand vehicles, or 1 for 18 taxis.

Monday, November 15 - Allowances - CAF violates the rights.

The Family Allowance Fund in Vendée refuses to restore the supplement of resources for the disabled adult allowance (AAH) which it paid to a beneficiary until January 2020, month of its retirement of automatic age of 62. "I have taken several steps," she protests, "defender of rights, mediator and now general directorate of social cohesion where the file would be. Without any news and any change in my situation ”. In a letter she has just received from the mediation of the CAF of Vendée, the director dismisses the recent judgment of the Court of Cassation, the highest civil jurisdiction of the country, and dares to write "This decision does not comply with legislative provisions in force ”. Nothing is more false: if article 266 of the finance law for 2019 removes the supplement of resources from January 1, 2019, its paragraph V maintains the beneficiaries "which, on December 1, 2019, have Rights open to the complement of resources […], as long as they meet the conditions of eligibility, to benefit from these provisions, within the limit of a period of ten years, according to the terms in force before this date. Neither the National Family Allowance Fund (CNAF) nor the General Directorate of Social Cohesion (DGCS) answered our questions. The suppression of the supplement of resources leads to an annual loss ranging from € 900 to € 2,160, depending on whether the beneficiary receives in substitution the autonomous life increase (MVA) of € 104.77; This is indeed conditioned on the perception of personalized housing assistance (APL), which is not the case for the complement of resources.

Saturday, November 13 - Autonomous life - New PCH rates.

The National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA) publishes, six weeks after their evolution, the prices of the compensation service of the updated handicap due to the salary revaluation on October 1 of home help staff employed byassociations and provider companies.Time spends € 21.21 against € 18.25 previously, a revaluation of 16.11%.The time of compensation family caregiver increases by 9 cents to € 4.08, and by 13 cents when it stops working (or € 6.11).The time prices in direct employment or agent remain unchanged, the personnel depending on another collective agreement, as well as the rated and deafness packages (respectively € 689 and € 413.40).

Saturday, November 13 - the initiatives of the week.

Friday, November 12 - Leisure - Man and Capuchin.

Young, high-performance New York policeman at whom everything seemed to be smiling, Adam finds himself a quadriplegic after being injured in the neck a few days before his marriage to a colleague, Angelina. It will gradually resurface thanks to the daily help of a Capuchin monkey, Clara. Meanwhile, horrible murder occurs in the Dakota Building, a mythical building by its appearance and its occupants (John Lennon was murdered there). Slowly covering the use of its members, Adam resumes service while being struggling with Clara who attacks her. It is by carrying out university research that he ends up understanding the sexual mechanism of the female who sees in him a dominant male failing ... On this frame, Frédéric Lepage offers a thick complex novel, with interspersed with moods of moods And digressions in the newly or frocked New York. We will forget the improbabilities of the story (miracle rehabilitation, judgment of the Simienne aid program for 20 years) to retain the suspense of a history in the foreseeable outcome. If the beast awakens, by Frédéric Lepage, Plon editions, € 19.90 in bookstores.

Friday, November 12 - the failures of compensation.

Thursday, November 11 - Culture/blindness - Tactile according to Pénélope.

After several poetic sign albums in sign language, the designer Pénélope publishes a tactile imagier, nature at the tips of her fingertips.In a mixed light-lively reading, this work offers to discover leaves and bark of trees, plants, spider web, mushrooms, small animals, seeds, etc., highlighted on white pages.Each object is named in contrasting green (without braille), the whole constituting a beautiful work of art.Following the shapes of the finger, and with a light co-reader, the visually impaired readers will thus be able to appreciate the finesse and delicacy of these natural elements in an elegant book.Nature at your fingertips, by Pénélope, Les Grandes Persons editions, € 20 in bookstores.

Wednesday, November 10-Accessibility-Ramp Cable Pass.

Assid supporter of the Rugby Club of the Arlequins Perpignan Sports Union (USAP), Alain Duhen will no longer complain about the cable passes placed on the ground to protect video cables from television agencies or during event fairs.His interventions with the city of Perpignan and the USAP led them to install a gateway allowing a easier crossing in a wheelchair."The bridge was manufactured by the sports service of the city of Perpignan and installed by the USAP club," said Alain Duhen.It is completely functional.It could serve as a model and be used systematically when these cable protectors are installed."Having become quadriplegic about thirty years ago, Alain Duhen also campaigned with reduced Magni-Narbonne mobility.

Tuesday, November 9 - Company - whistleblowers.

Acid discharge in a forest, political corruption in the award of the water market in Grenoble, pesticides in Bordeaux wines, racism in the police, animal mistreatment in the slaughterhouse, grouping and defense of the victims of the Dépakine, diversions Funds in a Dunkirk social association, computer lax, tax evasion, such are the public denunciations of some whistleblowers presented in a graphic documentary published by Delcourt. Flore Talamon interviews each protagonist who details his experience and the action he has launched, and the societal, professional and personal consequences, in a comic book by Bruno Loth. The whole is both alive and particularly instructive. Each chapter is supplemented by an advice sheet, the work constituting a vademecum of what should be done and the precautions to be taken. It turns out that whistleblowers must favor the support of professionals, the population and the media, the companies and administrations implicated not hesitating to crush these impediments from enjoying in circles. Alert launchers, by Flore Talamon and Bruno Loth, preface by Doctor Irène Frachon (who revealed the deadly mediator prescriptions), Delcourt editions, € 24.95 in bookstores or € 16.99 in digital.

Monday, November 8 - Society - Silence on sexual assistance.

In a very interesting article, the daily newspaper of the doctor returns to the total absence of public reactions and media echo after the advice of the National Consultative Council for Ethics on Sexual Assistance (read the news of October 8, 2021) . Seized in February 2020 by Sophie Cluzel, Secretary of State for People with Disabilities, the latter has still not reacted when she had written to the President of the CCNE "It seems to me essential to reopen ethical reflection by approaching the subject of sexual assistance with a renewed vision ”. None of the associations defending this right communicated his analysis of the committee's opinion, nor reacted outside the remarks collected by the journalist of the doctor's daily life. The CH (s) association, recovered by APF France Handicap, was to publish a press release but still did not do so. And the Association for the Promotion of Sexual Support (ARSPAS) has just changed governance; Since the retirement of public life June 2020 of its founder, Marcel Nuss, this structure seems inert.

Sunday, November 7 - Our best enemy.

Friday, November 5 - The pearl of the week.

"Unveiled on the occasion of the event 2 years after its launch: what prospects for my training account? By Élisabeth Borne, Minister of Labor, Employment, and Integration, the My Training Account S site is getting a facelift. Objective: to facilitate more access to training and existing support systems for all assets. Except those who are disabled, and more particularly blind or visually impaired, since this website is of non -compliant accessibility. Indeed, all information, personal account management, training order, etc., go through this website and a mobile app. Specialist in digital accessibility, Fernando Pinto Da Silva had publicly denounced this situation in February 2020, without evolution since. The audit carried out last August attests to the inaccessibility of the site, but does not relate to the mobile app; If the latter is included in the legal accessibility obligation, like all those which come from a public or administrative service, no control is carried out and the obligation of result defined by law remains a dead letter. [Added of November 12: "During a meeting in Visio with Minister Cluzel, reacts the president of the French Confederation for the Social Promotion of the Blind and Amblyopes (CFPSAA), Édouard Ferrero, I challenged him on this subject, no answer. »]

Friday, November 5 - the failures of compensation.

Thursday November 4 - Infox of the week.

It took the protest of associations for the government to see its copy concerning the inflation compensation of € 100 announced by the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, on October 21. It is indeed extended to invalidity pensioners affecting less than 2,000 € monthly, whether they work or not: they had been "forgotten". Holders of a labor disability pension (AT-MP) were not included in the new list communicated by the Secretary of State for Disableds, Sophie Cluzel. Recalling that the disabled adult beneficiaries will affect inflation compensation, the minister takes the opportunity to add "This is a commitment of every moment, prosecuted since the start of the five -year term with the revaluation of the disabled adult allowance (AAH) of 100 euros per month ”. Which is false: this service, which was € 810.89 when taking office of Madame Cluzel, was only revalued by € 81, the other € 11 of increase resulting from the legal mechanism for maintaining power purchase of this allowance. The last last April was also ridiculous: +90 cents is ten times less than the rise in the minimum wage. 3.2 billion is enrolled in the amending finance bill for 2021 to finance the inflation compensation which should be paid to 38 million people, part of which at the beginning of next year.

Thursday, November 4 - Allowances - Call for presidents.

In an open letter, the 49 associations of the Handicaps collective as well as IDES, ASEI, France Assos Health, the League for Human Rights, Sidaction, Solidarity AIDS and see Ensemble launch an appeal to the Presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate about the Damonjugalization bill for the disabled adult allowance (AAH). Adopted at first reading by the assembly on February 13, 2020, then amended by the Senate on March 9, the deputies replaced it with a lump sum reduction on June 17, the senators restoring their text on October 12. After examining a law twice by each assembly, it is customary that the government quickly convenes a joint joint committee made up of 7 deputies and as many senators responsible for agreeing on a common text. But three weeks after the senatorial vote, the Prime Minister remained inert and the open letter aims to activate another possibility: to ask presidents of the two chambers to convene this CMP. That of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, is a relative of the President of the Republic and may not act. That of the Senate, Gérard Larcher, is a member of the right -wing the Republicans who supported deconjugalization at all stages of examination of the bill.

Wednesday, November 3 - Culture/accessibility - Books adapted to the BNF.

The National Library of France opens up all disabled readers access to books suitable for its Plato base (digital works transfer platform) which has more than 22,200 works. Until then, Plato's works had to be obtained through an approved organization (association, library or media library, etc.). However, this innovation will only concern readers who will personally go to the BNF in room E to copy the works (s) by an employee on a USB key: "Registration in the service is done on site. Readers benefiting from the disability exception receive an access title with the mention "Plato". Free is granted to people who can justify a handicap on presentation of any type of proof issued by the MDPH […] Download is made by library staff. The reader can thus access the adaptation on its own readings, including outside the BNF, respecting the charter provisions. " Once again, Parisians are favored by a national institution, on the condition that they can go to the BNF site François Mitterrand, which is not an easy task in a poorly accessible city ...

Tuesday, November 2 - Leisure/Sports - The straight line.

A broken young man, amputated with an arm and who survives a little job in Munich, that is what the horrors of the Second World War and the Eastern Front made Stefan Volker. However, he was promised to the most beautiful athletics podiums, in the 800 meters of which he could become Germany champion. It is to the slow resilience of this man that readers are invited thanks to the reissue of the novel La Lneur, published in 1956 by the sports journalist Yves Gibeau (died in 1994). Stephan's former coach, the authoritarian and brutal Julius Henkel, will find him in Munich, bring him back to his home to put him up, give him back the taste for living and finding a place in society. But how can we regain his place in the sports elite with an arm in part amputated when it is essential to punctuate a semi-stay race? Stephan Volker will have to fight against himself and face a demanding, possessive, rascal and misanthropic coach. If everyone has to make concessions, which will emerge victorious? The straight line, by Yves Gibeau, editions in Exergue, € 19 in bookstores.

Monday, November 1-Transports-Paris-Vienne by train.

The SNCF and the Austrian company ÖBB will offer from December 14 a night train connecting Paris to Vienna, the OBB Nightjet, a fourteen hour journey. On the three levels of comfort offered (sitting place from € 29.90, standard non -mixed cabin and single deluxe, double and triple from € 89.90, compartment berths 4 or 6 people from € 49.90 ), only the latter will be accessible to motor disabled travelers as SNCF specifies. "In terms of accessibility it is planned: 1 compartment for a person in a wheelchair with two berths (a berth for the person in a wheelchair and a berth above for the accompanying person); toilets accessible to wheelchairs; A service call button easily accessible to people in wheelchairs (this button is next to the bed); A space for assistance dog. Cars are Austrian equipment, OBB (NightJet). The period of construction of the NightJet cars of Paris-Vienne are as follows: Bed cars 2004/2005; Berths 2000; Barter for wheelchair 1962 - 1967; Tilting seat 1991. Reservation of the berth for person in a wheelchair can be done via or It is possible to reserve the assistance service via the ÖBB online form. This train will serve Strasbourg, Karlsruhe, Munich, Rosenheim in Bayern, Salzburg, Linz, Sankt Pölten. If this new International Night Train departing from France offers an accessibility service, remember that the Paris-Venise night train launched in December 2011 by Thello (subsidiary of the Caisse des Dépôts, State Bank) proposed any without this emotional associations and public authorities; Thello even refused in March 2015 the boarding of an electric wheelchair client, without more reactions.

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