"Qu'est-ce que c'est, dégueulasse ?" : Alice Pfeiffer nous captive avec son "Goût du moche"

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What is your ugly favorite?For our part, the competition is tough.A duvet with a petting patterns that stains on a sofa.Trinkets of a doubtful taste on the granny shelf.Malaysian -friendly photos of us teenagers, sporting a look as random as fashion - finally...at the time.Clothes, colors, furniture, the ugly has as many variations as meaning.On Instagram, accounts like Ugly Design and Shit Gardens overflow in unison with Ring 'clichés, repulsive, Nazes, erected in art.

In short, the ugly is everywhere.That, the fashion journalist Alice Pfeiffer demonstrates it with an admirable thoroughness in the taste of the ugly (ed.Flammarion).A clear test and design object alone (by its layout) exploring the shades of the awful: the failure, the cheesy, the kitsch, the disgusting, to the more ambivalent heirs such as the "neo-moche".Fascinated for always by this hideous that one cannot see, the author wishes to unravel "the elusive mystery of the ugly, her impossibility to freeze him, her complexity to theorize it".

Because in contrast to beauty, the ugly condition is as fleeting as a wild horse (of those who give rise to the worst tattoos).It is not simply the aesthetics that it transgresses, but the moral of a society pinching its nose in the face of "bad taste", and of a patriarchy dedicating to the gemonies "vulgarity", this "field of provocationas complex as enjoyable ", as the author states.A ugly revolutionary therefore, that this daring manifesto explores to theoretical vertigo.

Provoc ', yes, but not only.Alice Pfeiffer tells us more about this ugly today who could be "the pretty of tomorrow and the strange of yesterday".