Yvelines.ATSEM have demonstrated today in Versailles

By Benjamin Aguillon published Le78Attue my news

Less than a week after the start of the school year, around thirty Atsem and teachers in the city were on strike and demonstrated this Tuesday, September 7 at noon in front of the town hall to claim the hiring of four Atsem (Territorial Helpspecialized in nursery schools) replacement and thus return to the situation that schools knew last year.The FO de Versailles union filed a strike notice "covering the city staff from September 7, 2021 to September 30, 2021".

"We want an ATSEM per class!"We want an ATSEM per class!Shouts the demonstrators.Some employees went on strike for the day, only others during their meridian break.

This strike movement stems from the start of the start of the new school year from 24 pupils as part of the "Grande Section to 24 students" system imposed by National Education.The city decided last June to set up this device to do without traditional (but not compulsory) replacement atsem to keep 93 ATSEM for 93 classes in Versailles.Among this workforce, 6 mobile ATSEMs were appointed this year to replace any absences during the year.Announced just before the summer holidays, the measure had already pushed teachers and parents of students to demonstrate in front of the doors of the town hall.

Beyond the hiring of four new replacement ATSEMs, the city employees are demanding a revaluation of the IFSE (official indemnity, subjected and expertise) for recognition of their work when setting up the health protocol.They also want mobile ATSEMs obtaining the CIA (additional annual compensation), a bonus given to agents who make regular replacements.

Yvelines. Des ATSEM ont manifesté aujourd'hui à Versailles

Cécile Gérard Benchenane is a delegate for parents of students and mother of a little girl in the middle section at school Les Trois Pommiers.She came to support Atsem in their movement:

A delegation made up of three ATSEM (Le Petit Prince nursery schools, the elves and Antoine Richard) and two union representatives was invited to enter the town hall to meet representatives of the city including the elected François-GillesChatelus, assistant in charge of staff:

Florence Bocquet Delegate of staff and teacher at the Vauban nursery school was not invited to negotiations."It's always like that.They refuse our presence at meetings because we are not employed by the city.Yet we are directly concerned by the situation of the ATSEM.I got on strike to support their movement.Parents and teachers, we are all concerned.»»

François-Gilles Chatelus warns: "We are not going to literally resume the claims of strike notice.The idea is to maintain the principle of reform taking into account the concerns heard.This requires a particular study of city services.We agreed to meet next week to discuss the solutions.I hope we arrive at a global agreement concerning how to manage all of this.»»

If an agreement is not reached next week, Alain Turgis, secretary general of the FO union of the city of Versailles warns: "We will continue the movement and we will invite the parents to join the Atsem in front of the town hall.The strike notice is filed until the end of September, at any time we can go on strike.»»

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